Связаться с редактором использует Excel VBA в качестве прототипа платформы для менеджера персональной информации, сочетающего шаблон «Модель, представление, докладчик» (MVP) и постоянный менеджер хранилища.
Рис. 1. Приложение «Менеджер данных»
Дизайн части MVP следует идеям / руководствам / коду из RubberDuck VBA. блог а также демонстрации. База данных содержит единую таблицу, заполненную фиктивными контактными данными. Графический интерфейс пользователя имеет одну пользовательскую форму, которая представляет пользователю данные одной записи. Функциональность «MVP⇔DB» реализована в виде библиотеки хранения с подключаемой архитектурой.
Рисунок 2. Диаграмма классов DataTable
Библиотека хранилища содержит два класса моделей данных: DataTableModel а также DataRecordModel. DataTableModel содержит набор строк, полученных из базы данных (в настоящее время поддерживается только «SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME»), и DataRecordModel кэширует одну запись, загруженную в пользовательскую форму. Каждый тип хранилища (например, лист Excel или база данных ADODB) представлен одним внутренним классом, абстрагирующим хранилище (например, DataRecordWSheet или DataTableADODB) и реализации связанных IDataTableStorage / IDataRecordStorage интерфейс.
С точки зрения вызывающего кода объект API верхнего уровня — это диспетчер данных (DataTableManager / DataRecordManager) инкапсулирует экземпляр модели данных и связанный экземпляр серверной части. Дополнительно менеджеры данных реализуют IDataTableManager / IDataRecordManager интерфейсы и абстрактные фабричные классы IDataTableFactory / IDataRecordFactory также определены, как показано на рис. DataTableModel семья).
Обратите внимание, этот пост охватывает только DataTableModel семья. Взяв во внимание DataRecordModel семья, пожалуйста, посмотрите проектная документация. Кроме того, полный исходный код и тесты доступны на репозиторий проекта.
DataTableModel (модель)
'@Folder "ContactEditor.Storage.Table.Model"
'@ModuleDescription "Represents a data table."
'@IgnoreModule ProcedureNotUsed, IndexedDefaultMemberAccess
Option Explicit
Private Type TDataTableModel
FieldIndices As Scripting.Dictionary
IdIndices As Scripting.Dictionary
DirtyRecords As Scripting.Dictionary
FieldNames As Variant
Values As Variant
End Type
Private this As TDataTableModel
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set this.FieldIndices = New Scripting.Dictionary
this.FieldIndices.CompareMode = TextCompare
Set this.IdIndices = New Scripting.Dictionary
this.IdIndices.CompareMode = TextCompare
Set this.DirtyRecords = New Scripting.Dictionary
this.DirtyRecords.CompareMode = TextCompare
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set this.FieldIndices = Nothing
Set this.IdIndices = Nothing
Set this.DirtyRecords = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get FieldIndices() As Scripting.Dictionary
Set FieldIndices = this.FieldIndices
End Property
Public Property Get IdIndices() As Scripting.Dictionary
Set IdIndices = this.IdIndices
End Property
Public Property Get DirtyRecords() As Scripting.Dictionary
Set DirtyRecords = this.DirtyRecords
End Property
Public Property Get FieldNames() As Variant
FieldNames = this.FieldNames
End Property
Public Property Let FieldNames(ByVal FieldNamesArg As Variant)
this.FieldNames = FieldNamesArg
End Property
Public Property Get Values() As Variant
Values = this.Values
End Property
Public Property Let Values(ByVal ValuesArg As Variant)
this.Values = ValuesArg
End Property
Public Property Get IsDirty() As Boolean
IsDirty = this.DirtyRecords.Count > 0
End Property
Public Function RecordIndexFromId(ByVal RecordId As String) As Long
RecordIndexFromId = this.IdIndices(RecordId)
End Function
Public Function RecordValuesFromId(ByVal RecordId As String) As Variant
Dim RecordIndex As Long: RecordIndex = this.IdIndices(RecordId)
RecordValuesFromId = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(Values, RecordIndex)
End Function
Public Function FieldIndexFromName(ByVal FieldName As String) As Long
FieldIndexFromName = this.FieldIndices(FieldName)
End Function
Public Sub IsNotDirty()
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateRecordFromDictionary(ByVal Record As Scripting.Dictionary)
Const ID_NAME_INDEX As Long = 1
Dim FieldIdName As String: FieldIdName = this.FieldNames(ID_NAME_INDEX)
Dim RecordId As String: RecordId = CStr(Record(FieldIdName))
Dim RecordIndex As Long: RecordIndex = RecordIndexFromId(RecordId)
this.DirtyRecords(RecordId) = RecordIndex
Dim FieldName As Variant
Dim FieldIndex As Long
For Each FieldName In this.FieldNames
FieldIndex = FieldIndexFromName(FieldName)
this.Values(RecordIndex, FieldIndex) = Record(CStr(FieldName))
Next FieldName
End Sub
Public Sub CopyRecordToDictionary(ByVal Record As Scripting.Dictionary, ByVal RecordId As String)
Dim RecordIndex As Long: RecordIndex = RecordIndexFromId(RecordId)
Dim FieldName As Variant
Dim FieldIndex As Long
For Each FieldName In this.FieldNames
FieldIndex = FieldIndexFromName(FieldName)
Record(CStr(FieldName)) = this.Values(RecordIndex, FieldIndex)
Next FieldName
End Sub
DataTableADODB (серверная часть)
'@Folder "ContactEditor.Storage.Table.Backend"
'@ModuleDescription "Abstracts ADODB backend."
'@IgnoreModule FunctionReturnValueDiscarded, IndexedDefaultMemberAccess
Option Explicit
Private Const SQLITE_CONNSTR_PREFIX As String = "sqlite:"
Implements IDataTableStorage
Private Type TDataTable
Model As DataTableModel
AdoCommand As ADODB.Command
ConnectionString As String
TableName As String
FieldNames() As String
FieldTypes() As ADODB.DataTypeEnum
FieldMap As Scripting.Dictionary
IDs As Variant
TypeCast As FieldFormat
End Type
Private this As TDataTable
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set this.FieldMap = New Scripting.Dictionary
this.FieldMap.CompareMode = TextCompare
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set this.Model = Nothing
Set this.SQL = Nothing
Set this.ADO = Nothing
Set this.FieldMap = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed
Public Property Get SelfIDataTableStorage() As IDataTableStorage
Set SelfIDataTableStorage = Me
End Property
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed
'@Description("Returns class reference.")
Public Property Get Class() As DataTableADODB
Set Class = DataTableADODB
End Property
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed
Public Property Get AdoCommand() As ADODB.Command
If this.AdoCommand Is Nothing Then
Set AdoCommand = AdoCommandInit(this.SQL.SelectAll)
Set AdoCommand = this.AdoCommand
End If
End Property
Public Property Get FieldNames() As Variant
FieldNames = this.FieldNames
End Property
Public Property Get FieldTypes() As Variant
FieldTypes = this.FieldTypes
End Property
Public Property Get FieldMap() As Scripting.Dictionary
Set FieldMap = this.FieldMap
End Property
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed
Public Sub SetTypeCast(Optional ByVal TypeCast As FieldFormat = FieldFormat.CastAsIs)
this.TypeCast = TypeCast
End Sub
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed
'@Description "Returns a new IDataTableStorage object."
Public Function Create(ByVal Model As DataTableModel, ByVal ConnectionString As String, ByVal TableName As String) As IDataTableStorage
Dim Result As DataTableADODB
Set Result = New DataTableADODB
Result.Init Model, ConnectionString, TableName
Set Create = Result
End Function
'''' Creates a DataTableADODB instance with default interface, on which .Self can be use to access IDataTableStorage
'@Description "Returns a new DataTableADODB object."
Public Function CreateDefault(ByVal Model As DataTableModel, ByVal ConnectionString As String, ByVal TableName As String) As DataTableADODB
Dim Result As DataTableADODB
Set Result = New DataTableADODB
Result.Init Model, ConnectionString, TableName
Set CreateDefault = Result
End Function
Public Sub Init(ByVal Model As DataTableModel, ByVal ConnectionString As String, ByVal TableName As String)
Guard.NullReference Model
Guard.EmptyString ConnectionString
Set this.Model = Model
Set this.SQL = SQLlib.Create(TableName)
Set this.ADO = ADOlib.Create
If LCase$(Left$(ConnectionString, 7)) = SQLITE_CONNSTR_PREFIX Then
this.ConnectionString = this.ADO.GetSQLiteConnectionString(ConnectionString)("ADO")
this.ConnectionString = ConnectionString
End If
this.ADO.SetConnectionString this.ConnectionString
this.TableName = TableName
this.ADO.GetTableMeta this.TableName, this.FieldNames, this.FieldTypes, this.FieldMap
End Sub
Public Function AdoCommandInit(ByVal SQLQuery As String, _
Optional ByVal CursorLocation As ADODB.CursorLocationEnum = adUseClient) As ADODB.Command
If Not this.AdoCommand Is Nothing Then
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Dim CommandText As String
CommandText = IIf(Len(SQLQuery) > 0, SQLQuery, this.SQL.SelectAll)
Set this.AdoCommand = New ADODB.Command
With this.AdoCommand
.CommandType = ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText
.CommandText = CommandText
.Prepared = True
.ActiveConnection = this.ConnectionString
.ActiveConnection.CursorLocation = CursorLocation
End With
Set AdoCommandInit = this.AdoCommand
End Function
Public Function AdoRecordset(Optional ByVal SQLQuery As String = vbNullString) As ADODB.Recordset
Dim Rst As ADODB.Recordset
Set Rst = New ADODB.Recordset
With Rst
Set .Source = IIf(SQLQuery = vbNullString, this.AdoCommand, AdoCommandInit(SQLQuery))
.CursorLocation = this.AdoCommand.ActiveConnection.CursorLocation
.CursorType = adOpenStatic
.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
.CacheSize = 10
.Open Options:=adAsyncFetch
If .CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient Then
Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
End If
End With
Set AdoRecordset = Rst
End Function
Public Function Records(Optional ByVal SQLQuery As String = vbNullString) As Variant
Dim Rst As ADODB.Recordset
Set Rst = AdoRecordset(SQLQuery)
Records = ArrayLib.TransposeArray(Rst.GetRows, OutputArrBase:=1)
End Function
Public Function RecordsAsText() As Variant
Dim Rst As ADODB.Recordset
Set Rst = AdoRecordset(this.SQL.SelectAllAsText(this.FieldNames, this.FieldTypes))
RecordsAsText = ArrayLib.TransposeArray(Rst.GetRows, OutputArrBase:=1)
End Function
Private Sub IDataTableStorage_LoadDataIntoModel()
With this.Model
.Values = RecordsAsText
.FieldNames = this.FieldNames
Dim FieldName As Variant
For Each FieldName In this.FieldMap.Keys
.FieldIndices(FieldName) = this.FieldMap(FieldName)
Next FieldName
Dim IDs As Variant
IDs = ArrayLib.GetColumn(.Values, ColumnNumber:=1, OutputArrBase:=1)
this.IDs = IDs
Dim RecordCount As Long
RecordCount = UBound(IDs)
Dim RecordIndex As Long
For RecordIndex = 1 To RecordCount
.IdIndices(IDs(RecordIndex)) = RecordIndex
Next RecordIndex
End With
End Sub
Private Function IDataTableStorage_GetIds() As Variant
IDataTableStorage_GetIds = this.IDs
End Function
Private Function IDataTableStorage_GetColumnValues(ByVal FieldName As String) As Variant
IDataTableStorage_GetColumnValues = ArrayLib.GetColumn( _
this.Model.Values, _
ColumnNumber:=this.FieldMap(FieldName), _
OutputArrBase:=1 _
End Function
Private Sub IDataTableStorage_SaveDataFromModel()
If Not this.Model.IsDirty Then Exit Sub
Dim AdoCmd As ADODB.Command
Set AdoCmd = AdoCommandInit(this.SQL.UpdateSingleRecord(this.FieldNames))
this.ADO.MakeAdoParamsForRecordUpdate this.FieldNames, this.FieldTypes, AdoCmd
Dim RecordsAffected As Long: RecordsAffected = 0
Dim Record As Scripting.Dictionary
Set Record = New Scripting.Dictionary
Record.CompareMode = TextCompare
With this.Model
Dim RecordId As Variant
For Each RecordId In .DirtyRecords.Keys
.CopyRecordToDictionary Record, RecordId
this.ADO.RecordToAdoParams Record, AdoCmd
AdoCmd.Execute RecordsAffected, , adExecuteNoRecords
Next RecordId
End With
End Sub
IDataTableStorage (внутренний интерфейс)
'@Folder "ContactEditor.Storage.Table.Backend"
'@ModuleDescription "Abstracts storage interfaces for DataTableModel. Implemented by storage backends."
Option Explicit
Public Sub LoadDataIntoModel()
End Sub
Public Sub SaveDataFromModel()
End Sub
Public Function GetIds() As Variant
End Function
Public Function GetColumnValues(ByVal FieldName As String) As Variant
End Function
DataTableManager (менеджер)
'@Folder "ContactEditor.Storage.Table.Manager"
Option Explicit
Implements IDataTableManager
Private Type TDataTableManager
Model As DataTableModel
Storage As IDataTableStorage
End Type
Private this As TDataTableManager
Public Function Create(ByVal ClassName As String, ByVal ConnectionString As String, ByVal TableName As String) As IDataTableManager
Dim Result As DataTableManager
Set Result = New DataTableManager
Result.Init ClassName, ConnectionString, TableName
Set Create = Result
End Function
Public Sub Init(ByVal ClassName As String, ByVal ConnectionString As String, ByVal TableName As String)
Set this.Model = New DataTableModel
Set this.Storage = DataTableFactory.CreateInstance(ClassName, this.Model, ConnectionString, TableName)
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set this.Model = Nothing
Set this.Storage = Nothing
End Sub
Private Property Get IDataTableManager_Model() As DataTableModel
Set IDataTableManager_Model = this.Model
End Property
Private Sub IDataTableManager_LoadDataIntoModel()
End Sub
Private Sub IDataTableManager_SaveDataFromModel()
End Sub
IDataTableManager (интерфейс менеджера)
'@Folder "ContactEditor.Storage.Table.Manager"
'@ModuleDescription "A composition of a data model and a storage class responsible for loading/saving the model data."
Option Explicit
Public Property Get Model() As DataTableModel
End Property
Public Sub LoadDataIntoModel()
End Sub
Public Sub SaveDataFromModel()
End Sub