Дерево AVL в критике C

Я создал дерево AVL на C и закодировал основные функции вставки, удаления и поиска. Мне бы хотелось критиковать мою реализацию, особенно в части кода вставки и удаления. Кроме того, я думаю, что мог бы использовать на одну переменную меньше в структуре узла, поскольку вам не нужна высота как для левого, так и для правого поддерева, вместо этого вам просто нужно знать их баланс, но на данный момент реализация содержит высоту для левое и правое поддерево.

TL; DR — критика моей реализации дерева AVL, особенно в части кода вставки и удаления.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX(x, y) (x < y ? y : x)

struct Node
   void *data;
   int32_t max_height_left;
   struct Node *left;
   int32_t max_height_right;
   struct Node *right;

struct AVL_Tree
   struct Node *root;
   size_t size_of_data;
   int32_t (*compare)(const void *, const void *);
   void (*print)(const void *);

int32_t create_tree(struct AVL_Tree **tree, const size_t size_of_data, int32_t (*compare)(const void *, const void *), void (*print)(const void *))
   *tree = malloc(sizeof(**tree));
   if(*tree == NULL)
      return -1;
   (*tree)->size_of_data = size_of_data;
   (*tree)->compare = compare;
   (*tree)->print = print;
   return 0;

static struct Node * left_rotate(struct Node *node)
   struct Node *temp;
   temp = node->right;

   node->right = temp->left;
   node->max_height_right = temp->max_height_left;

   temp->left = node;
   temp->max_height_left = MAX(node->max_height_left, node->max_height_right) + 1;
   return temp;

static struct Node * right_rotate(struct Node *node)
   struct Node *temp;
   temp = node->left;

   node->left = temp->right;
   node->max_height_left = temp->max_height_right;

   temp->right = node;
   temp->max_height_right = MAX(node->max_height_left, node->max_height_right) + 1;
   return temp;

static struct Node * insert_data_helper(struct Node *node, const void *data, int32_t (*compare)(const void *, const void *), const size_t size_of_data)
   struct Node *temp;
   int32_t results;
   if(node == NULL)
      /*allocate all the memory*/
      temp = malloc(sizeof(*temp));
      if(temp == NULL)
         return NULL;
      temp->data = malloc(size_of_data);
      if(temp->data == NULL)
         return NULL;

      /*set all the vars*/
      memcpy(temp->data, data, size_of_data);
      temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
      temp->max_height_left = temp->max_height_right = 0;
      return temp;

   results = compare(data, node->data);
   if(results < 0)
      node->left = insert_data_helper(node->left, data, compare, size_of_data);

      /*get the greater of the two heights from the left sub tree*/
      node->max_height_left = MAX(node->left->max_height_left, node->left->max_height_right) + 1;

      if(node->max_height_left - node->max_height_right > 1)
         if(node->left->max_height_left - node->left->max_height_right <= -1)
            node->left = left_rotate(node->left);
         node = right_rotate(node);
   else if(results > 0)
      node->right = insert_data_helper(node->right, data, compare, size_of_data);

      /*get the greater of the two heights from the right sub tree*/
      node->max_height_right = MAX(node->right->max_height_left, node->right->max_height_right) + 1;

      if(node->max_height_left - node->max_height_right < -1)
         if(node->right->max_height_left - node->right->max_height_right >= 1)
            node->right = right_rotate(node->right);
         node = left_rotate(node);

   return node;

void insert_data(struct AVL_Tree *tree, const void *data)
   tree->root = insert_data_helper(tree->root, data, tree->compare, tree->size_of_data);

static struct Node * get_lowest_value_node(struct Node *node)
   if(node == NULL)
      return NULL;
   else if(node->left == NULL)
      return node;

   return get_lowest_value_node(node->left);

/*delete data*/
static struct Node * delete_data_helper(struct Node *node, const void *data, int32_t (*compare)(const void *, const void *), const size_t size_of_data)
   struct Node *temp;
   int32_t results;

   if(node == NULL)
      return NULL;

   results = compare(data, node->data);
   if(results < 0)
      node->left = delete_data_helper(node->left, data, compare, size_of_data);
      node->max_height_left = node->left == NULL ? 0 : MAX(node->left->max_height_left, node->left->max_height_right) + 1;

      if(node->max_height_left - node->max_height_right < -1)
         if(node->right != NULL && node->right->max_height_left - node->right->max_height_right >= 1)
            node->right = right_rotate(node->right);
         node = left_rotate(node);
   else if(results > 0)
      node->right = delete_data_helper(node->right, data, compare, size_of_data);
      node->max_height_right = node->right == NULL ? 0 : MAX(node->right->max_height_left, node->right->max_height_right) + 1;

      if(node->max_height_left - node->max_height_right > 1)
         if(node->left != NULL && node->left->max_height_left - node->left->max_height_right <= -1)
            node->left = left_rotate(node->left);
         node = right_rotate(node);
      if(node->left == NULL)
         temp = node->right;
         return temp;
      else if(node->right == NULL)
         temp = node->left;
         return temp;
         /*has two branches. get the lowest value from the right branch*/
         temp = get_lowest_value_node(node->right);
         memcpy(node->data, temp->data, size_of_data);

         /*now delete the value that was copies from the right branch*/
         node->right = delete_data_helper(node->right, temp->data, compare, size_of_data);
         node->max_height_right = node->right == NULL ? 0 : MAX(node->right->max_height_left, node->right->max_height_right) + 1;

         if(node->max_height_left - node->max_height_right > 1)
            if(node->left != NULL && node->left->max_height_left - node->left->max_height_right <= -1)
               node->left = left_rotate(node->left);
            node = right_rotate(node);

   return node;

void delete_data(struct AVL_Tree *tree, const void *data)
   tree->root = delete_data_helper(tree->root, data, tree->compare, tree->size_of_data);

static int8_t contains_data_helper(struct Node *node, const void *data, int32_t (*compare)(const void *, const void *))
   int32_t results;
   if(node == NULL)
      return -1;

   results = compare(data, node->data);
   if(results < 0)
      return contains_data_helper(node->left, data, compare);
   else if(results > 0)
      return contains_data_helper(node->right, data, compare);

   return 0;

int8_t contains_data(struct AVL_Tree *tree, const void *data)
   return contains_data_helper(tree->root, data, tree->compare);

static void free_tree_helper(struct Node *node)
   if(node == NULL)



void free_tree(struct AVL_Tree *tree)

static void pre_order_helper(struct Node *node, void (*print)(const void *))
   if(node == NULL)
   printf("(left = %d, right = %d, balance = %d)n", node->max_height_left, node->max_height_right, node->max_height_left - node->max_height_right);
   pre_order_helper(node->left, print);
   pre_order_helper(node->right, print);

void pre_order(struct AVL_Tree *tree)
   pre_order_helper(tree->root, tree->print);

static void in_order_helper(struct Node *node, void (*print)(const void *))
   if(node == NULL)
   in_order_helper(node->left, print);
   printf("(left = %d, right = %d, balance = %d)n", node->max_height_left, node->max_height_right, node->max_height_left - node->max_height_right);
   in_order_helper(node->right, print);

void in_order(struct AVL_Tree *tree)
   in_order_helper(tree->root, tree->print);

static void post_order_helper(struct Node *node, void (*print)(const void *))
   if(node == NULL)
   post_order_helper(node->left, print);
   post_order_helper(node->right, print);
   printf("(left = %d, right = %d, balance = %d)n", node->max_height_left, node->max_height_right, node->max_height_left - node->max_height_right);

void post_order(struct AVL_Tree *tree)
   post_order_helper(tree->root, tree->print);

/*user code*/

void print_data(const void *ptr)
   const int *ptr_temp = ptr;
   printf("%d ", *ptr_temp);

int compare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2)
   const int *ptr1_temp, *ptr2_temp;
   ptr1_temp = ptr1;
   ptr2_temp = ptr2;

   if(*ptr1_temp < *ptr2_temp)
      return -1;
   else if(*ptr1_temp > *ptr2_temp)
      return 1;
   return 0;

int main(void)
   struct AVL_Tree *tree;
   int i;

   /*array is used to insert data into the tree*/
   int array[] = {1, 2, 3};

   create_tree(&tree, sizeof(array[0]), &compare, &print_data);

   for(i = 0; i < sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]); i++)
      insert_data(tree, (array + i));


   i = 3;
   delete_data(tree, &i);


   i = 1;
   printf("n(Contains the value %d) = %d(0 == yes, -1 == no)n", i, contains_data(tree, &i));

   return 0;

Это make-файл, который я использую

program: BBST.o
        gcc *.o -o program

        gcc -g -c -Wall -pedantic BBST.c

        rm *.o program


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