Критика реализации C ArrayList

Я написал класс ArrayList на C и просто хотел критиковать то, что я могу улучшить. Любая критика помогает, и мне было интересно, есть ли лучший способ обработки ошибок, кроме возврата перечисления.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <errno.h>


typedef struct arraylist_t
   void *array;
   size_t sizeOfElement;
   uint32_t sizeOfArray;
   uint32_t lengthOfArray;
   int32_t (*defaultCompare)(const void *, const void *);
   void (*defaultPrint)(const void *);

enum data_structure_error{
   E_SUCCESS = 0,
   E_FAIL = -1,
   E_MEMORY_FAIL = -2,
   E_VAR_UNINI = -3,
   E_VAR_TO_SMALL = -4,
   E_OUT_OF_BOUNDS = -5,
   E_PRINT_UNINI = -6,

struct data_structure_errordesc{
    const int32_t  code;
    const char *message;

const struct data_structure_errordesc errordesc[] = {
   {E_SUCCESS, "No error" },
   {E_FAIL, "PANIC!!!!" },
   {E_MEMORY_FAIL, "Could not allocate memory"},
   {E_VAR_UNINI, "The variable passed in is uninitialized"},
   {E_VAR_TO_SMALL, "The variable passed in is too small to hold data"},
   {E_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, "Value passed in was out of bounds"},
   {E_PRINT_UNINI, "The default and the passed in print is NULL"},
   {E_COMPARE_UNINI, "The default and the passed in compare in NULL"}

void arraylist_error(enum data_structure_error error)
   uint32_t i;
   for(i = 0; i < sizeof(errordesc) / sizeof(errordesc[0]); i++)
      if(error == errordesc[i].code)
         printf("%s", errordesc[i].message);

enum data_structure_error arraylist_create(ArrayList ** const user_list, const size_t size_of_element, int32_t (*compare)(const void *, const void *), void (*print)(const void *))
   /*making 1 struct of type ArrayList*/
   ArrayList *list;

   if(user_list == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;

   list = malloc(sizeof(*list));
   if(list == NULL)
      goto FAIL1;

   /*making an array of void pointers*/
   list->array = malloc(size_of_element * ARRAY_LIST_DEFAULT_SIZE);
   if(list->array == NULL)
      goto FAIL1;

   /*setting all default values of ArrayList struct*/
   list->sizeOfElement = size_of_element;
   list->sizeOfArray = 0;
   list->lengthOfArray = ARRAY_LIST_DEFAULT_SIZE;
   list->defaultCompare = compare;
   list->defaultPrint = print;

   *user_list = list;
   return E_SUCCESS;

      return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_MEMORY_FAIL;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_clear(ArrayList * const list)
   if(list == NULL)
      return E_VAR_UNINI;
   list->sizeOfArray = 0;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_clone(const ArrayList * const list, ArrayList ** const new_list)
   if(list == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;

   /*create an ArrayList struct*/
   *new_list = malloc(sizeof(**new_list));
   if(*new_list == NULL)
      goto FAIL1;

   /*copy data to new struct*/
   memcpy(*new_list, list, sizeof(**new_list));

   /*allocate space for new array in the new struct*/
   (*new_list)->array = malloc(list->sizeOfElement * list->lengthOfArray);
   if((*new_list)->array == NULL)
      goto FAIL1;

   /*copy the data from the old array to new array*/
   memcpy((*new_list)->array, list->array, list->sizeOfElement * list->sizeOfArray);

   return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_MEMORY_FAIL;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_size(const ArrayList * const list, uint32_t * const size)
   if(list == NULL)
      return E_VAR_UNINI;
   *size = list->sizeOfArray;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_isempty(const ArrayList * const list, bool * const empty)
   if(list == NULL)
      return E_VAR_UNINI;
   *empty =  list->sizeOfArray == 0 ? 1 : 0;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_set_compare(ArrayList * const list, int32_t (*compare)(const void *, const void *))
   if(list == NULL)
      return E_VAR_UNINI;
   list->defaultCompare = compare;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_set_print(ArrayList * const list, void (*print)(const void *))
   if(list == NULL)
      return E_VAR_UNINI;
   list->defaultPrint = print;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_print_index(const ArrayList * const list, void(*print)(const void *), const uint32_t index)
   uint8_t *array;
   void *temp_storage;

   /*error checking*/
   if(list == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;
   else if(print == NULL && list->defaultPrint == NULL)
      goto FAIL1;

   temp_storage = malloc(list->sizeOfElement);
   if(temp_storage == NULL)
      goto FAIL2;

   /*Get the data from the array*/
   array = list->array;
   memcpy(temp_storage, array + index * list->sizeOfElement, list->sizeOfElement);

   /*call the correct print function*/
   if(print == NULL)

   return E_SUCCESS;

   return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_PRINT_UNINI;
   return E_MEMORY_FAIL;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_print(const ArrayList * const list, void(*print)(const void *))
   uint32_t i;
   uint8_t *array;
   void *temp_storage;

   /*error checking*/
   if(list == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;
   else if(print == NULL && list->defaultPrint == NULL)
      goto FAIL1;

   /*allocate temp storage*/
   temp_storage = malloc(list->sizeOfElement);
   if(temp_storage == NULL)
      goto FAIL2;

   /*copying pointer of array*/
   array = list->array;

   /*loop through array and call the correct print function*/
   for(i = 0; i < list->sizeOfArray; i++)
      memcpy(temp_storage, (array + i * list->sizeOfElement), list->sizeOfElement);
      if(print == NULL)

   return E_SUCCESS;

   return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_PRINT_UNINI;
   return E_MEMORY_FAIL;

static enum data_structure_error arraylist_resize(ArrayList * const list)
   void *new_array;

   /*try to allocate more memory for the array*/
   new_array = realloc(list->array, list->sizeOfElement * list->lengthOfArray * RESIZE_MULTIPLIER);
   if(new_array == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;

   /*update the struct*/
   list->array = new_array;
   list->lengthOfArray = list->lengthOfArray * RESIZE_MULTIPLIER;

   return E_SUCCESS;

   return E_MEMORY_FAIL;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_add_index(ArrayList * const list, const void * const ptr_to_data, const uint32_t index)
   uint8_t *array;
   uint8_t *array_two;
   enum data_structure_error error = E_SUCCESS;

   /*error handeling*/
   if(list == NULL || ptr_to_data == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;
   else if(index > list->sizeOfArray)
      goto FAIL1;
   else if(list->sizeOfArray >= list->lengthOfArray)
      error = arraylist_resize(list);
      if(error != E_SUCCESS)
         goto FAIL2;

   /*copying pointer of array*/
   array = array_two = list->array;

   /*the spot where the new value will be inserted*/
   array = array + list->sizeOfElement * index;

   /*the spot where all the elements will be shifted to*/
   array_two = array_two + list->sizeOfElement * (index + 1);

   /*shifting elements*/
   memmove(array_two, array, list->sizeOfElement * (list->sizeOfArray - index));

   /*inserting value*/
   memcpy(array, ptr_to_data, list->sizeOfElement);

   return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;
   return error;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_add_all_index(ArrayList * const list, const void * const ptr_to_array_data, const uint32_t length, const uint32_t index)
   uint8_t *array;
   uint8_t *array_two;
   enum data_structure_error error = E_SUCCESS;

   /*error checking*/
   if(list == NULL || ptr_to_array_data == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;
   else if(index > list->sizeOfArray)
      goto FAIL1;
   else if(list->sizeOfArray >= list->lengthOfArray)
      error = arraylist_resize(list);
      if(error != E_SUCCESS)
         goto FAIL2;

   /*making sure array has enough space*/
   while(length >= list->lengthOfArray - list->sizeOfArray)
      error = arraylist_resize(list);
      if(error != E_SUCCESS)
         goto FAIL2;

   /*copying pointer of array*/
   array = array_two = list->array;

   /*the spot where the new value/values will be inserted*/
   array = array + list->sizeOfElement * index;

   /*the spot where all the values will be shifted*/
   array_two = array_two + list->sizeOfElement * (index + length);

   /*shifting values*/
   memmove(array_two, array, list->sizeOfElement * (list->sizeOfArray - index));

   /*inserting new values into position*/
   memcpy(array, ptr_to_array_data, list->sizeOfElement * length);
   list->sizeOfArray = list->sizeOfArray + length;

   return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;
   return error;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_add_all(ArrayList * const list, void *ptr_to_array_data, const uint32_t length)
   /*adding to end of the arraylist*/
   return arraylist_add_all_index(list, ptr_to_array_data, length, list->sizeOfArray);

enum data_structure_error arraylist_add(ArrayList * const list, const void * const ptr_to_data)
   /*adding to end of the arraylist*/
   return arraylist_add_index(list, ptr_to_data, list->sizeOfArray);

enum data_structure_error arraylist_get_index(const ArrayList * const list, void * const ptr_to_data, const uint32_t index)
   uint8_t *array;

   /*error checking*/
   if(list == NULL || ptr_to_data == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;
   else if(index >= list->sizeOfArray)
      goto FAIL1;

   /*copying array pointer*/
   array = list->array;

   /*position of the value to get*/
   array = array + list->sizeOfElement * index;

   /*copying data*/
   memcpy(ptr_to_data, array, list->sizeOfElement);

   return E_SUCCESS;

   return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_contains(const ArrayList * const list, const void * const ptr_to_data, bool * const contains, int32_t (*compare)(const void *, const void *))
   uint32_t i;
   uint8_t *array;
   void *temp_storage;
   int32_t (*temp_compare)(const void *, const void *);

   /*error cheking*/
   if(list == NULL || ptr_to_data == NULL || contains == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;
   else if(compare == NULL && list->defaultCompare == NULL)
      goto FAIL1;

   /*allocating space*/
   temp_storage = malloc(list->sizeOfElement);
   if(temp_storage == NULL)
      goto FAIL2;

   /*if compare is not passed in use default compare*/
   if(compare == NULL)
      temp_compare = list->defaultCompare;
      temp_compare = compare;

   array = list->array;
   /*set to false*/
   *contains = 0;
   for(i = 0; i < list->sizeOfArray; i++)
      memcpy(temp_storage, array + list->sizeOfElement * i, list->sizeOfElement);
      if(temp_compare(temp_storage, ptr_to_data) == 0)
         *contains = 1;

   return E_SUCCESS;

   return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_COMPARE_UNINI;
   return E_MEMORY_FAIL;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_indexof(const ArrayList * const list, const void * const ptr_to_data, int32_t * const index, int32_t (*compare)(const void *, const void *))
   uint32_t i;
   uint8_t *array;
   void *temp_storage;
   int32_t (*temp_compare)(const void *, const void *);

   /*error checking*/
   if(list == NULL || ptr_to_data == NULL || index == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;
   else if(compare == NULL && list->defaultCompare == NULL)
      goto FAIL1;

   temp_storage = malloc(list->sizeOfElement);
   if(temp_storage == NULL)
      goto FAIL2;

   /*if compare is not passed in use default compare*/
   if(compare == NULL)
      temp_compare = list->defaultCompare;
      temp_compare = compare;

   array = list->array;
   *index = -1;
   for(i = 0; i < list->sizeOfArray; i++)
      memcpy(temp_storage, array + list->sizeOfElement * i, list->sizeOfElement);
      if(temp_compare(temp_storage, ptr_to_data) == 0)
         *index = i;

   return E_SUCCESS;

   return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_COMPARE_UNINI;
   return E_MEMORY_FAIL;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_lastindexof(const ArrayList * const list, const void * const ptr_to_data, int32_t * const index, int32_t (*compare)(const void *, const void *))
   int32_t i;
   uint8_t *array;
   void *temp_storage;
   int32_t (*temp_compare)(const void *, const void *);

   /*error checking*/
   if(list == NULL || ptr_to_data == NULL || index == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;
   else if(compare == NULL && list->defaultCompare == NULL)
      goto FAIL1;

   temp_storage = malloc(list->sizeOfElement);
   if(temp_storage == NULL)
      goto FAIL2;

   /*if compare is not passed in use default compare*/
   if(compare == NULL)
      temp_compare = list->defaultCompare;
      temp_compare = compare;

   array = list->array;
   *index = -1;
   for(i = list->sizeOfArray - 1; i > -1; i--)
      memcpy(temp_storage, array + list->sizeOfElement * i, list->sizeOfElement);
      if(temp_compare(temp_storage, ptr_to_data) == 0)
         *index = i;

   return E_SUCCESS;

   return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_COMPARE_UNINI;
   return E_MEMORY_FAIL;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_set_index(const ArrayList * const list, const void * const ptr_to_data, const uint32_t index)
   uint32_t i;
   uint8_t *array;

   /*error handeling*/
   if(list == NULL || ptr_to_data == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;
   else if(index >= list->sizeOfArray)
      goto FAIL1;

   /*get pointer to array*/
   array = list->array;

   /*set the data*/
   memcpy(array + list->sizeOfElement * index, ptr_to_data, list->sizeOfElement);

   return E_SUCCESS;

   return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;

enum data_structure_error arraylist_remove_index(ArrayList * const list, void * const ptr_to_data, const uint32_t index)
   uint8_t *array;
   uint8_t *array_two;

   /*error handeling*/
   if(list == NULL)
      goto FAIL0;
   else if(index >= list->sizeOfArray)
      goto FAIL1;

   /*get pointer to array*/
   array = array_two = list->array;

   /*set pointer to data to remove*/
   array = array + list->sizeOfElement * index;

   /*set pointer to index + 1*/
   array_two = array_two + list->sizeOfElement * (index + 1);

   /*get the data if pointer is not NULL*/
   if(ptr_to_data != NULL)
      memcpy(ptr_to_data, array + list->sizeOfElement * index, list->sizeOfElement);

   /*shift the data*/
   memcpy(array, array_two, list->sizeOfElement * (list->sizeOfArray - (index + 1)));
   list->sizeOfArray = list->sizeOfArray - 1;

   return E_SUCCESS;

   return E_VAR_UNINI;
   return E_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;

void arraylist_free(ArrayList * const list)

/*user code*/
void print_my_data(const void *data)
   int32_t *temp;
   temp = (int32_t *)data;
   printf("%dn", *temp);

int compare_my_data(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2)
   const int *data1;
   const int *data2;

   data1 = ptr1;
   data2 = ptr2;

   if(*data1 < *data2)
      return -1;
   else if(*data1 > *data2)
      return 1;

   return 0;

int main(void)
   ArrayList *list;
   arraylist_create(&list, sizeof(int), &compare_my_data, &print_my_data);

   for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      arraylist_add(list, &i);

   arraylist_print(list, NULL);
   return 0;


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