улучшения сценария уборки

Я создал сценарий содержания и хотел бы его улучшить. У меня есть файл JSON с такими деталями, как путь к каталогу, количество дней, по истечении которых каталог или файл должны быть заархивированы, период удаления для zip-архива, а также файлы или каталоги, которые мы заархивируем.

Конфигурационный файл JSON:

"foo": [
        "path": "/the/directory/to/be/zipped/",
        "nr_files_not_zip": "7",
        "deletion_period": "7",
        "file_or_directory": "files"



Для ведения домашнего хозяйства я попытался использовать заводской шаблон проектирования, поскольку существуют потенциально разные требования к выбору файлов, но на данный момент я выбираю только файлы, которые нужно заархивировать, на основе их даты модификации. Сценарий загружает конфигурацию и создает служебный объект фабричным методом. Затем в зависимости от периода zip-архива, периода удаления, а также типа zip-архива он архивирует и удаляет соответствующие файлы или каталоги.

Я использую python пару лет и пытаюсь улучшить его. Буду очень признателен за любые отзывы относительно улучшений кода и передовых методов. Скрипт уборки:

import abc
import os
import sys
import json
import datetime
import time 
import zipfile
import shutil

#abstract housekeeping
class housekeeping(object):
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def pick_files(self):
    def files_to_be_zipped(self):

    def sort_deletion(self):
    def get_type(self):

    def get_directory(self):

    def get_deletion_period(self):

#houskeeping foo concrete class 
class housekeeping_foo(housekeeping):
    def __init__(self,directory, normal_files,zipped_files,nr_to_leave,deletion_period,type_to_zip):
        self.normal_files = normal_files
        self.zipped_files = zipped_files
        self.nr_to_leave = nr_to_leave
        self.deletion_period = deletion_period
        self.directory = directory
        self.type_to_zip = type_to_zip

    #grabs the files, directories and zip files and stores them in a specif hashmap  
    def pick_files(self):
        for dir_name, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(self.directory):
                for file_name in fileList:
                full_path = dir_name + "/" + file_name
                if os.path.exists(full_path) and not file_name.startswith('.'):
                        if not full_path.endswith('.zip') and not full_path.endswith('.gz'):
                                mod_time = os.path.getmtime(full_path)
                                last_modified_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mod_time)
                                self.normal_files.update({full_path: last_modified_date})
                                mod_time = os.path.getmtime(full_path)
                                last_modified_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mod_time)
                                self.zipped_files.update({full_path: last_modified_date})
        return self.normal_files, self.zipped_files

    #removes the files which not be zipped. Based on the mod date for this particular object
    def files_to_be_zipped(self):
        for key, value in self.normal_files.items():
                str_date = value.date()
                today = datetime.datetime.now().date()
                difference = str(today - str_date)
                if "days" in difference:
                    date = difference.split(" ", 1)[0]
                    date = 0
                if int(date) > int(self.nr_to_leave):
                    print("file to be zipped")
                    del self.normal_files[key]
        return self.normal_files

    #removes the files which should not be included in deletion
    def sort_deletion(self):
            for key, value in self.zipped_files.items():
                    time_since_insertion = str(datetime.datetime.now() - value)
                    if "days" in time_since_insertion:
                        days = int(time_since_insertion.split(' ',1)[0])
                        days = 0  
                    if days < int(self.deletion_period):
                            del self.zipped_files[key]
            return self.zipped_files
    #return zip type
    def get_type(self):
        return self.type_to_zip
    #return directory 
    def get_directory(self):
        return self.directory
    #return deletion period 
    def get_deletion_period(self):
        return self.deletion_period

class housekeeping_factory:
    def create_housekeeping(self,name, directory, normal_files,zipped_files,nr_to_leave,deletion_period,type_to_zip):
        if name == "foo":
            return housekeeping_foo(directory,normal_files,zipped_files,nr_to_leave,deletion_period,type_to_zip)

#loading JSON config file 
def load_config(directory_name):
    with open('housekeeping.config.json') as f:
        data = json.load(f)
        for config_items in data[directory_name]:
            directory_name_wih_full_path = config_items["path"]
                        nr_to_leave = config_items["nr_files_not_zip"]
                        deletion_period = config_items["deletion_period"]
                        type_to_zip = config_items["file_or_directory"]
    return directory_name_wih_full_path, nr_to_leave, deletion_period, type_to_zip

#creates the housekeeping object strips the files and directories which should not be included in the zipping or deletion
def housekeeping_client():
    normal_files = {}
    zipped_files = {}
    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        directory_name = sys.argv[1]
        directory_name_wih_full_path, nr_to_leave, deletion_period, type_to_zip = load_config(directory_name)
        factory = housekeeping_factory()
        housekeeping_shape = factory.create_housekeeping(directory_name, directory_name_wih_full_path,normal_files,zipped_files,nr_to_leave,deletion_period,type_to_zip)
        files_to_zip = housekeeping_shape.files_to_be_zipped()
        to_delete = housekeeping_shape.get_deletion_period()
        if to_delete != "NA":
            file_to_del = housekeeping_shape.sort_deletion()
            file_to_del = {}
        zip_type = housekeeping_shape.get_type()
        file_directory = housekeeping_shape.get_directory()
        run_housekeeping_client(files_to_zip,file_to_del,zip_type, file_directory)
        print("Wrong number of arguments...")

#depending on the zip type a zip directory or zip file methods will be called 
def run_housekeeping_client(files_to_zip,file_to_del,zip_type, file_directory):
    for key, value in files_to_zip.items():
        directory_full_path_with_file =  key
        if zip_type == "files":
            zip_the_file(key, key)
        elif zip_type == "directory":
    if len(file_to_del.keys()) != 0:
        for key, value in file_to_del.items():
            directory_full_path_with_file =  key

#zipping directories
def zip_the_directory(dir_name):
    file_with_zip =  dir_name
    file_to_zip = dir_name + ".zip"
    zip_File = zipfile.ZipFile(file_to_zip,'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
    directory_path = dir_name.split("/")[-1]
    lenDirPath = len(directory_path)
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_with_zip):
            for file in files:
                    filePath = os.path.join(root, file)
                        zip_File.write(filePath , filePath[lenDirPath :])

#zipping files
def zip_the_file(file_name):
    file_with_zip = file_name + ".zip"
    file_to_zip = file_name
    directory_path = file_name.split("/")[-1]
    len_dir_path = len(directory_path)
        with zipfile.ZipFile(file_with_zip, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file:
            zip_file.write(file_to_zip, file_to_zip[len_dir_path :])
        print("file has been zipped")

if __name__== '__main__':


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