Уменьшить сложность и сделать его более читабельным [closed]

У меня есть этот код NodeJS, который мне нужен, чтобы уменьшить сложность и сделать его более читабельным, потому что у него много повторяющихся циклов, а API очень медленный, как мне это исправить.

const { PRISMA, moment, decodeHeader } = require('../../Config');
const { throwErrors } = require('../../GlobalFunctions');
const MOMENT = require('moment');

module.exports = async function (fastify) {

await fastify.post('/get-dashboard', async (req, res) => {
try {
  const headerData = decodeHeader(req.headers);
  if (headerData == 'error') {
      status: false,
      status_code: 'FAILED',
      message: 'UNAUTHORIZED',
  } else {
    // let ref = req.body?.ref ? req.body?.ref : '';
    const location_id = req.body?.location_id ? req.body?.location_id : '';
    const filter_by = req.body?.filter_by ? req.body?.filter_by : '';
    const custom_startdate = req.body?.custom_startdate
      ? req.body?.custom_startdate
      : '';
    const custom_enddate = req.body?.custom_enddate
      ? req.body?.custom_enddate
      : '';

    // get custom start and end date
    let custom_start_date =
      MOMENT(custom_startdate).format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00.000+00:00';

    let custom_end_date = MOMENT(custom_enddate).format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00.000+00:00';

    // get current start and end date
    let current_date =
      MOMENT().format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00.000+00:00';
    //get start and end of the week
    let startofweek_date =
      MOMENT().startOf('week').format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00.000+00:00';
    let endofweek_date =
      MOMENT().endOf('week').format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00.000+00:00';
    //get start and end of the month
    let startOfMonth_date =
      MOMENT().startOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD') +
    let endOfMonth_date =
      MOMENT().endOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00.000+00:00';
    // get start and end of the year
    let startOfYear_date =
      MOMENT().startOf('year').format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00.000+00:00';
    let endOftheYear_date =
      MOMENT().endOf('year').format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00.000+00:00';

    // ```GRAPH CALCULATION FOR YEAR```\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    let query = '';
    let startOfYear = MOMENT().startOf('year');
    let monthsForYear = [];
    let year = [];
    // Create an array of dates representing the start of each month in the year
    for (let index = 0; index <= 11; index++) {
      const add1Month = MOMENT(startOfYear)
        .add(index, 'month')

    // Get the actual amount for each month
    let statements = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < monthsForYear.length; i++) {
      let j = i + 1;
        where: {
          created_at: {
            gte: monthsForYear[i],
              i === monthsForYear.length - 1 ? endOftheYear_date : monthsForYear[j],
        select: { actual_amount: true },
    for (let d of statements) {
      // Calculate the total actual amount for the month
      let total = 0;
      d = await d
      d.forEach((el) => {
        total += el.actual_amount;
    graphDataOfYear = year;

    // ```GRAPH CALCULATION FOR MONTHS```///////////////////////////
    let startOfmonth = MOMENT().startOf('month');
    let weeksForMonth = [];
    let month = [];
    // Create an array of dates representing the start of each week in the month
    for (let index = 0; index <= 4; index++) {
      const add1week = MOMENT(startOfmonth)
        .add(index, 'weeks')

    // Get the actual amount for each week
    for (let i = 0; i < weeksForMonth.length; i++) {
      let j = i + 1;
      let d = await PRISMA.orders.findMany({
        where: {
          created_at: {
            gte: weeksForMonth[i],
              i === weeksForMonth.length - 1
                ? endOfMonth_date
                : weeksForMonth[j],
        select: { actual_amount: true },

      // Calculate the total actual amount for the week
      let total = 0;
      d.forEach((el) => {
        total += el.actual_amount;
    // Set the graph data to the calculated amounts
    graphDataOfMonth = month;

    // ```GRAPH CALCULATION FOR WEEKS```///////////////////////////////////////
    let startOfWeek = MOMENT().startOf('week');
    let daysForWeek = [];
    let day = [];
    // Create an array of dates representing the start of each day in the week
    for (let index = 0; index <= 6; index++) {
      const addDays = MOMENT(startOfWeek)
        .add(index, 'days')
    // Get the actual amount for each week
    for (let i = 0; i < daysForWeek.length; i++) {
      let j = i + 1;
      let d = await PRISMA.orders.findMany({
        where: {
          created_at: {
            gte: daysForWeek[i],
              i === daysForWeek.length - 1
                ? endofweek_date
                : daysForWeek[j],
        select: { actual_amount: true },

      // Calculate the total actual amount for the day
      let total = 0;
      d.forEach((el) => {
        total += el.actual_amount;
    // Set the graph data to the calculated amounts
    graphDataOfWeek = day;

    //```GRAPH CALCULATION FOR DAYS````////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    let startOfday = MOMENT().startOf('day');
    let endOfday =
      MOMENT().endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00.000+00:00';
    let hrsForDays = [];
    let hrs = [];
    // Create an array of dates representing the start of each hrs 
    for (let index = 0; index <= 24; index++) {
      const addhrs = MOMENT(startOfday)
        .add(index++, 'hours')
    // Get the actual amount for each hrs
    for (let i = 0; i < hrsForDays.length; i++) {
      let j = i + 1;
      let d = await PRISMA.orders.findMany({
        where: {
          created_at: {
            gte: hrsForDays[i],
            lte: i === hrsForDays.length - 1 ? endOfday : hrsForDays[j],
        select: { actual_amount: true },
      // Calculate the total actual amount for the 2hrs
      let total = 0;
      d.forEach((el) => {
        total += el.actual_amount;
    // Set the graph data to the calculated amounts
    graphDataOfDays = hrs;
    // console.log(graphDataOfDays)
    // console.log(graphDataOfWeek)

    // filter_by Day Week Month Year CustomDate //////////////////////////////
    if (location_id == '') {
      if (filter_by === 'Day') {
        query = {
          created_at: {
            gt: current_date,
          ref: headerData?.ref,
      } else if (filter_by === 'Week') {
        // 7 days a week
        graph_data = graphDataOfWeek;
        query = {
          created_at: {
            gte: startofweek_date,
            lte: endofweek_date,
          ref: headerData?.ref,
      } else if (filter_by === 'Month') {
        // 4 weeks in a month
        graph_data = graphDataOfMonth;
        query = {
          created_at: {
            gte: startOfMonth_date,
            lte: endOfMonth_date,
          ref: headerData?.ref,
      } else if (filter_by === 'Year') {
        // 12 months_for_year in a year
        graph_data = graphDataOfYear;
        query = {
          created_at: {
            gte: startOfYear_date,
            lte: endOftheYear_date,
          ref: headerData?.ref,
      } else if (filter_by === 'Custom') {
        graph_data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 3, 12, 4, 2, 5, 6];
        query = {
          created_at: {
            gte: custom_start_date,
            lt: custom_end_date,
    } else {
      //if there is location id
      if (filter_by === 'Day') {
        //12 hrs in a day
        graph_data = graphDataOfDays;
        query = {
          created_at: {
            gt: current_date,
          ref: headerData?.ref,
          location_id: location_id,
      } else if (filter_by === 'Week') {
        // 7 days a week
        graph_data = graphDataOfWeek;
        query = {
          created_at: {
            gte: startofweek_date,
            lte: endofweek_date,
          ref: headerData?.ref,
          location_id: location_id,
      } else if (filter_by === 'Month') {
        // 4 weeks in a month
        graph_data = graphDataOfMonth;
        query = {
          created_at: {
            gte: startOfMonth_date,
            lte: endOfMonth_date,
          ref: headerData?.ref,
          location_id: location_id,
      } else if (filter_by === 'Year') {
        // 12 months_for_year in a year
        graph_data = graphDataOfYear;
        query = {
          created_at: {
            gte: startOfYear_date,
            lte: endOftheYear_date,
          ref: headerData?.ref,
          location_id: location_id,
      } else if (filter_by === 'Custom') {
        graph_data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 3, 12, 4, 2, 5, 6];
        query = {
          created_at: {
            gte: custom_start_date,
            lt: custom_end_date,
          ref: headerData?.ref,
          location_id: location_id,
    // ```Create new signup```; //----------------------------------------------

    const new_sign_up = await PRISMA.customers.findMany({
      where: {
        ref: headerData?.ref,
      orderBy: {
        id: 'desc',
      skip: 0,
      take: 5,

    // ```COUNT THE NUMBER OF ORDERS```; //----------------------------------------------
    const orderCount = await PRISMA.orders.count({
      where: query,

    // ```NUMBER OF CUSTOMER DEVICES```; //----------------------------------------------
    const ref = location_id == '' ? headerData?.ref : location_id;
    let [android_devices, ios_devices, web_devices] = await Promise.all(
      ['ANDROID', 'IOS', 'WEBSITE'].map((channel) =>
          where: {

    // ```FIND TOTAL CUSTOMERS```; //----------------------------------------------
    let total_customers="";
    if (location_id == '') {
      total_customers = await PRISMA.customers.count();
    } else {
      total_customers = await PRISMA.customers.count({
        where: {
          ref: headerData?.ref,
          location_id: location_id,

    // ```FIND RECENT ORDER```; //----------------------------------------------
    let recent_order = await PRISMA.orders.findMany({
      take: 5,
      where: query,
      orderBy: {
        ordered_date: 'desc',
      include: {
        customers: true,

      status: true,
      status_code: query,
      message: 'Success',
      order_card: orderCount,
      recent_order: recent_order,
      billing_history: [],
      device: [
          android: android_devices,
          ios: ios_devices,
          website: web_devices,
      new_sign_up: new_sign_up,
      total_customers: total_customers,
      Graph_data: graph_data,
} catch (error) {
  const errors = throwErrors(
    'Something went wrong!!!',

1 ответ

Это, вероятно, медленно, потому что вы выполняете кратное 365 запросам с большим количеством перекрытий (если у вас уже есть итоги для каждого дня недели отдельно, у вас уже есть итог и за всю неделю. То же самое для месяцев). И некоторый показатель предыдущего количества оберток даты момента.

Если все данные действительно необходимы, просто возьмите весь год из базы данных и сгруппируйте с такой степенью детализации, которая необходима на стороне js (которая должна включать created_at поле в select).

Если нужны только отфильтрованные данные, то просто возьмите их и ничего больше.

Однако о коде можно сказать многое:

  • непоследовательное наименование переменных; иногда в верблюжьем регистре, иногда с занижением. Может быть хорошей идеей применить некоторые правила с помощью линтера.
  • Коды состояния ответа HTTP — это числа от 100 до 599, по какой-то причине у вас есть встроенный запрос.
  • и т.п.

Но самой большой проблемой, безусловно, должно быть количество запросов.

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