Маленькая математическая библиотека Python

Я писал математическую библиотеку с большим количеством опций, чем стандартная встроенная, частично чтобы облегчить себе жизнь в будущем, а частично просто для практики. Вот что у меня есть в основном файле (master / xtrmth / xm.py):

import typing as tp
import decimal as dc

_meganum = tp.Union[int, float, dc.Decimal, tp.SupportsInt, tp.SupportsFloat]
_num = tp.Union[int, float, dc.Decimal]
_micronum = tp.Union[int, float]
_decnum = tp.Union[float, dc.Decimal]

def _total_round(value: _num, precision: int = 10, decimal: bool = False) -> _num:
    """Rounds 'value' to the nearest 'precision' digits."""
    if isinstance(value, int):
        return value
    elif precision < 0:
        raise ValueError('Cannot cast a negative integer onto 'xm._total_round(precision)'')
    elif decimal is True:
        if isinstance(value, dc.Decimal):
            return round(value, precision)
        elif not isinstance(value, dc.Decimal) and decimal is True:
            raise TypeError('Cannot cannot cast 'float' onto 'xm._total_round(value)' 
with opperand 'decimal' as 'True'.')
    elif decimal is False:
        if isinstance(value, float):
            return round(value, precision)
        elif not isinstance(value, float):
            raise TypeError('Cannot cast 'decimal' onto 'xm._total_round(value)' 
with opperand 'decimal' as 'False'.')
def summation(count: int, bottom_var: str, expression: str, precision: int = 10, 
decimal: bool = False) -> _num:
    '''Summation function. Example: 'summation(4, 'z=1', 'z+1')' would return 14.'''
    if precision < 0:
        raise ValueError('Cannot cast a negative integer onto 'xm.summation(precision)'')
    var, value = bottom_var.split('=')
    var = var.strip()
    if decimal is True:
        value = dc.Decimal(eval(value))
        value = int(eval(value))

    res = 0
    for i in range(value, count+1):
        res += eval(expression.replace(var, str(i)))

    if decimal is True:
        return _total_round(value=res, precision=precision, decimal=True)
    return _total_round(res, precision=precision, decimal=False)

def sq(value: _num, precision: int = 10, decimal: bool = False, _print_unround: bool = False) -> _micronum:
    '''Returns 'value' raised to the 2nd power, with 'precision' decimal points.'''
    if isinstance(value, float) and decimal is True:
        raise TypeError('Cannot cannot cast 'float' onto 'xm.cb' 
with opperand 'decimal' as 'True'.')
    elif isinstance(value, dc.Decimal) and decimal is False:
        raise TypeError('Cannot cannot cast 'decimal' onto 'xm.cb' 
with opperand 'decimal' as 'False'.')
    elif isinstance(value, dc.Decimal) and decimal is True:
        if _print_unround is True:
        return _total_round(value*value, precision, decimal=True)
    if _print_unround is True:
    return _total_round(value*value, precision, decimal=False)

def sqrt(value: _meganum, precision: int = 10, decimal: bool = False, _print_unround: bool = False) -> _num:
    if decimal is True:
        x = dc.Decimal(value)
        y = dc.Decimal(1)
        e = dc.Decimal(0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001)
        x = value
        y = 1
        e = 0.0000000000000000000000001
    while x - y > e:
        x = (x + y)/2
        y = value / x

    if _print_unround is True:

    return(_total_round(x, precision, decimal=decimal))

def cb(value: _meganum, precision: int = 10, decimal: bool = False, _print_unround: bool = False) -> _num:
    '''Returns 'value' raised to the 2nd power, with '''
    if isinstance(value, float) and decimal is True:
        raise TypeError('Cannot cannot cast 'float' onto 'xm.cb' 
with opperand 'decimal' as 'True'.')
    elif isinstance(value, dc.Decimal) and decimal is False:
        raise TypeError('Cannot cannot cast 'decimal' onto 'xm.cb' 
with opperand 'decimal' as 'False'.')
    elif isinstance(value, dc.Decimal) and decimal is True:
        if _print_unround is True:
        return _total_round(value*value*value, precision, decimal=True)
    if _print_unround is True:
    return _total_round(value*value*value, precision, decimal=False)

def cbrt(value, _print_unround: bool = False) -> _num:
    x = value**(1/3)

    if _print_unround is True:

    if type(x) is float:
        if round(x, 10) == int(round(x, 10)): return int(round(x, 10))
        return round(x, 10)
    return x

def xpn(base: _meganum, exponent: _meganum, decimal: bool = False, precision: int = 10, _print_debug: bool = False) 
-> _num:
    '''Raises 'base' to the power of 'exponent'.'''
    if not isinstance(base, dc.Decimal) and decimal is True:
        raise TypeError(f'Cannot cast '{type(base).__name__()}' onto 'xm.xpn(base)' with opperand 'decimal' as 'True'')
    elif isinstance(base, dc.Decimal) and decimal is False:
        raise TypeError('Cannot cast 'decimal.Decimal' onto 'xm.xpn(base)' with opperand 'decimal' as 'False'')
    out = 1
    if isinstance(exponent, int):
        if _print_debug is True:
            print('exponent is int')
        for i in range(exponent):
            if _print_debug is True:
            out *= base
        return _total_round(out, precision=precision, decimal=decimal)
        # will update with my own algorithim in a later update
        return _total_round(base**exponent, precision=precision, decimal=decimal)

def rt(base: _meganum, root: _meganum, precision: int = 10, decimal: bool = False, _print_debug: bool = False) -> _num:
    '''Takes the 'root' root of 'base' '''

    if isinstance(base, dc.Decimal) and decimal is False:
        raise TypeError('Cannot cast 'decimal.Decimal' onto 'xm.rd(base)' with opperand 'decimal' as 'False'')
    elif not isinstance(base, dc.Decimal) and decimal is True:
        raise TypeError(f'Cannot cast '{type(base).__name__}' onto 'xm.rd(base)' with opperand 'decimal' as 'False'')
    elif isinstance(root, dc.Decimal) and decimal is False:
        raise TypeError('Cannot cast 'decimal.Decimal' onto 'xm.rd(root)' with opperand 'decimal' as 'False'')
    elif not isinstance(root, dc.Decimal) and decimal is True:
        raise TypeError(f'Cannot cast '{type(root).__name__}' onto 'xm.rd(root)' with opperand 'decimal' as 'True'')
    if decimal is True:
        return xpn(base = base, exponent = (dc.Decimal(1) / root), decimal = True, precision = precision, _print_debug = _print_debug)
    return xpn(base = base, exponent = (1 / root), decimal = False, precision = precision, _print_debug = _print_debug)

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import typing as tp => from typing import Union сокращает количество сокращений, которые читатель должен помнить

Обратные косые черты пугают. Добавление круглых скобок или в этом случае доверие к существующим будет легче читать.

def summation(count: int, bottom_var: str, expression: str, precision: int = 10, 
decimal: bool = False) -> _num:

Опять же, обратная косая черта пугает.

raise ValueError('Cannot cast a negative integer onto 'xm.summation(precision)'')
# could be
raise ValueError("Cannot cast a negative integer onto 'xm.summation(precision)'")

Здесь много подчеркиваний. Отображение важных функций в отдельном файле уменьшит необходимость все скрывать.


Каждая из ваших функций написана в очень похожем стиле, поэтому я просто рассмотрю одну из них.

def rt(base: _meganum, root: _meganum, precision: int = 10, decimal: bool = False, _print_debug: bool = False) -> _num:
    '''Takes the 'root' root of 'base' '''

    if isinstance(base, dc.Decimal) and decimal is False:
        raise TypeError('Cannot cast 'decimal.Decimal' onto 'xm.rd(base)' with opperand 'decimal' as 'False'')
    elif not isinstance(base, dc.Decimal) and decimal is True:
        raise TypeError(f'Cannot cast '{type(base).__name__}' onto 'xm.rd(base)' with opperand 'decimal' as 'False'')
    elif isinstance(root, dc.Decimal) and decimal is False:
        raise TypeError('Cannot cast 'decimal.Decimal' onto 'xm.rd(root)' with opperand 'decimal' as 'False'')
    elif not isinstance(root, dc.Decimal) and decimal is True:
        raise TypeError(f'Cannot cast '{type(root).__name__}' onto 'xm.rd(root)' with opperand 'decimal' as 'True'')
    if decimal is True:
        return xpn(base = base, exponent = (dc.Decimal(1) / root), decimal = True, precision = precision, _print_debug = _print_debug)
    return xpn(base = base, exponent = (1 / root), decimal = False, precision = precision, _print_debug = _print_debug)
  • Вы можете позволить себе имя функции, превышающее 2 символа.
  • В Decimal type, поскольку крайний случай загромождает как ваше использование, так и код библиотеки.
  • Условные операторы можно удалить, воспользовавшись функциями, которые у этих типов уже есть.
def nth_root(base: _meganum, n: _meganum, precision: int = 10) -> _num:
    '''Takes the nth root of 'base' '''
    # works for Decimals, ints, floats, whatever
    exponent = n ** -1
    return xpn(base=base, exponent=exponent, precision=precision)

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